About Us
Welcome to
R and C Ranch
R&C Ranch is a small family run ranch
specializing in fiber animals.
Cindy's Treasures Angora
Breeds of Rabbits include: German and Hybrid German angora. Cindy is a
member of IAGARB,(International Association of German Angora Rabbit
Breeders). Find out more about IAGARB at
She also maintains a small number of satin angora, an endangered breed
of rabbit. Additionally, we have some other rare breeds of meat rabbits
including Lilac and Champagne de Argent.  Please contact for more

To purchase products from our fiber ranch, please visit:
American Romeldale/CVM Sheep
Considered critically endangered by the American Livestock Breeds
Conservancy. A soft fine wool perfect for hand spinners and other fiber
The Sheep are kept coated as much as possible to keep
vegetable matter out of the fleece and thus more appealing to hand
spinners and ease of processing.
Pygora Goats
Our PBA registered stock come from Hawks Mountain Ranch in Gaston,
Oregon. All produce gorgeous fleeces and have excellent confirmation.
We also have some outstanding unregistered pygora that produce
equally gorgeous fleeces!

We have two majestic llamas to contribute fiber and act as guardians to
the sheep and goats. Magical Melody and Lola.
Show and Meat

I am holding CT's Kivalina, my newest IAGARB registered doe.
She was tested on November 6, 2010 under IAGARG standards with a
wool weight of 522 grams over a 90 day period and gross annual wool
weight of 2088 grams!

Here I am with Raspberry Farm's Gabriel. She is another newly IAGARB
registered doe. Also tested on November 6, 2010, she tested with a wool
weight of 450 grams over a 90 day period and gross annual weight of
1800 grams.

My objective is to consistently use breeding stock that is registered and
produce animals that meet the IAGARB standard of perfection.

As an IAGARB member, one benefit is to participate in co-op mill runs. As
a group, we produce two types of luxurious yarn. The wool comes from
small farms (IAGARB members) all over North America and processed
at Zeillinger Wool in Michigan, USA...yes, an American  made product!
IAGARB Frost is a three ply sock yarn with a blend of 50% angora, 30%
nylon, and 20% superwash merino.
IAGARB Blizzard is a two ply yarn with a blend of 85% angora and 15%
domestic merino.

Both yarns are a heavy fingering weight in skeins weighing approximately
2 ounces and are approximately 200 yards. It will knit in gauges from 4-8
stitches per inch. As you knit, the yarn will bloom. The IAGARB Frost may
be machine washed but it is recommended that both IAGARB Frost and
IAGARB Blizzard be hand washed

All yarn and roving is hand dyed by me...please visit my web store

For more information about IAGARB, go to www.iagarb.com